Were you at MDC during the blackout (Jan. 27 – Feb. 3, 2019)?

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Your time to file a claim with the Bureau of Prisons to protect your rights is running out. If you were detained at the Metropolitan Detention Center during the 2019 blackout, please reach out as soon as possible.

The law firm of Emery Celli Brinckerhoff Abady Ward & Maazel LLP is working on the class action lawsuit against former Warden Quay and the United States for the harms caused by the blackout. They want to help preserve your claim, and they need to hear from you by December 23.

Emery Celli Brinckerhoff Abady Ward & Maazel LLP
600 Fifth Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10020

Email: mdc@ecbalaw.com
Text or call: (929) 279-2610

Protesting NYPD Brutality

Posted on 27,380 Comments

Some basics:

  • You have a right to protest!
    • You do not need a permit to march on the sidewalk.
    • You have a right to hold signs and hand out flyers.
  • Protect your digital security.
    • Do not consent to a search of your devices.
    • Disable face or fingerprint unlock on your devices and do not unlock your device for police.
  • You have a right to record the police as long as you do not interfere with their lawful duties.
  • Officers are required to tell you their name, rank, command and the reason you are being stopped.
  • If you are arrested, ask for a lawyer IMMEDIATELY then state that you are exercising your right to remain silent.

Need more information? Find it here at The Legal Aid Society.

If you are involved in a protest and you are arrested or experience police misconduct, contact JLJLAW for guidance regarding criminal court charges or potential civil court claims.

Federal Conspiracy Explained

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What the Government has to prove:

Not much. The Government has to prove very little to convict someone of a conspiracy under federal law. Importantly, a person can be convicted of the crime of conspiracy even if no crime is ever committed. To prove a conspiracy the Government needs only to prove two things:

1.  That a conspiracy existed, meaning that two or more people agreed to violate certain provisions of the law; and

2.  That the defendant willfully and knowingly entered into the conspiracy.

What the Government does not have to prove:

  • That a person knew all of the members of the conspiracy;
  • That a person knew about everything everyone in the conspiracy was doing;
  • That a person received money as part of their participation in the conspiracy;
  • That a person committed more than one act to help the conspiracy

What a person charged in a conspiracy is responsible for:

  • All that was done before the person joined the conspiracy
  • All that is done during the conspiracy while they are a member

So what can I do?

If you or a loved one are charged in a conspiracy, it is important to contact an attorney who is knowledgable in this area of law. The Law Office of Jennifer R. Louis-Jeune regularly handles conspiracy cases in federal court and can help you understand and defend your case to the fullest. Visit our website or give us a call.

What Rights Do I Have If Stopped By Police?

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En Español

You have the right to leave if you are not under arrest.

      • Ask if you are free to go.  If the officer says no, you are being detained and must assert your other rights.

You have the right to remain silent.

      • You must tell the police “I want to invoke my right to remain silent” then not speak anymore.
      • This will not stop you from being arrested but it does protect you from saying something that could get you in more trouble.

You have the right to refuse a search of yourself, your car or your home.

You have a the right to an attorney if you are arrested.

      • Ask for an attorney right away.  Do not speak to the police after asking for an attorney. Do not allow cops to put you in a line up or show up or conduct any tests on you until you have spoken with an attorney

You have a right to record police activity.

      • However, you do not have a right to interfere with police activity.


      • Always carry identification.  Do not give false information to the police.
      • Memorize numbers of your attorney and important family members. You may not be given access to your phone to find these numbers.


      • Try to remain calm.
      • Do not resist arrest. You have to be alive to defend against a false arrest.
      • Ask to speak to an attorney as soon as possible.
      • Do not sign anything to plead guilty to anything without speaking with an attorney first.

Sus Derechos Si La Policía Lo Para

Usted tiene el derecho de irse si no esta arrestado.

      • Puede pedir, “Estoy arrestado?”  Si no, puede irse.  Si la policía dice si, no puede salir y necesita proteger sus derechos.
      • Todas las personas en los Estados Unidos tienen derechos, incluyendo las personas quien no son ciudadanos.

Usted tiene el derecho de permanecer en silencio.

      • Usted necesita decir “Yo deseo permanecer en silencio.”  No debería hablar mas después de decir esto.

Usted tiene el derecho de rechazar un búsqueda de usted mismo, su automóvil o su casa.

Si esta arrestado, usted tiene el derecho de hablar con un abogado.

      • Decir que usted quire hablar con un abogado lo antes posible.
      • No hable con la policia antes de hablar con un abogado.
      • No responda a preguntas sobre su estado migratorio.


      • Mantenga la calma.  Nada es mas importante que su vida.
      • Nunca firme nada sin un abogado.